The game is set in the semi-fictional state of San Andreas (based on California and Nevada), which contains three metropolitan cities: Los Santos, based on Los Angeles, San Fierro, based on San Francisco, and Las Venturas, based on Las Vegas. Set in 1992,San Andreas revolves around the gang member Carl "CJ" Johnson returning home from Liberty City to Los Santos, San Andreas, after learning of his mother's murder. CJ finds his old friends and family in disarray. Over the course of the game, CJ gradually unravels the plot behind his mother's murder.
The high-level plot of the game is based on multiple real-life events in Los Angeles including the rivalry between street gangs the Bloods and Crips (which the player's gang and rival gang are spoofed off of), the Crack epidemic (which is shown as a major point of conflict in the game), the LAPD Rampart scandal (forming the basis of several main
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